6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th all exam timetables 2022-2023: Here we had listed the 6th to 12th standard all exams 10 you time table for the academic year 2022-23 which was released by the Chennai district education department. The schedule consists of a tentative schedule for the 6th to 12th standard which is created based on the academic calendar released by the educational department of Tamilnadu.

6th to 9th standard tentative exam schedule
As per the given schedule released by the Chennai district CEO 6th to 9th standard 1st midterm exam was started on 4/8/20122, the quarterly exam for 6th to 9th standards will be held on 26th September 2022, and the second midterm test for the 6th to 9th standard will be conducted on the second week of November 2022, the half-yearly examination will be conducted 19 December 2022 onwards, 6th to 9th standard third midterm exam will be conducted on 3rd week of February 2023, and the final annual board examination for the 6th to 9th standard will start on 24th April 2023
10th standard exam schedule
As per the tentative exam schedule list by the CEO of Chennai district the first midterm test for 10th standard was conducted on 4th August, one more test for 100 marks based on the quarterly exam portion will be conducted for 10th standard students in the first week of September 2022, the exam for 10th standard will start from 26th September 2022, the second midterm exam for 10th standard will be held in the second week of November 2022, one mark test for 100 marks based on full portion will be conducted on the first week of December 2022, the half yearly exam for the 10th standard students will start from 19th December 2022, the first revision exam for the 10th standard will be conducted in the second week of January 2023, the third revision exam for the 10th standard will be conducted in the third week of February 2023, without revision exam for the 10th standard students will be conducted on the second week of March 2023.
11th and 12th standard exam schedule 2022-23
As per the schedule released by the Chennai district CEO, the first midterm test for the 11th and 12th standard had held from 4th August 2022, the one-mark test for 100 marks based on a quarterly portion will be conducted in the first week of September 2022 for 11th and 12th standard, the quarterly exam for 11th and 12th standard will start from 23rd September 2022, the second midterm exam for the 11th and 12th standard will be conducted in the second week of November 2022, the one more place for 100 marks based on full portion will be conducted in the first week of December 2022 for 11th and 12th standard, the half yearly examination for 11th and 12th standard will be conducted from 16th December 2022, the first revision exam for the 11th and roll standard will be conducted in the second week of January 2023, the second division exam for the 11th and 12th standard will be conducted in the first week of February.
The Details given above are the tentative exam schedule released for the academic year 2022-23 by the Chennai district Chief educational officer (CEO)
10th std Tamil 2nd midterm question paper
11th maths questions paper 2023